
Top 10 Tips to Stay Golden With Your Fitness Goals from ONETV's Anjelica Scannura



New Year, new you, right? Many of us start a new year with a fresh commitment to get fitter and healthier. The biggest challenge to that can come in keeping that noble resolve going full steam ahead all year long. Champion dancer, fitness expert and ONETV host Anjelica Scannura is here to stoke that fitness fire by sharing her top 10 tips for sticking with your fitness goals for a truly healthy and happy new year.

In addition to her top tips, you can keep striving for your fitness goals by joining Anjelica for Anjelica’s 22 Minute Workout, Anjelica’s Kettlebell Workout or Anjelica’s Dance Workout daily on ONETV. Plus, pilates lovers, we’ve got you covered again! Coming soon, Anjelica will be hosting a brand new Pilates series on ONETV called The Pilates Pupil.

Anjelica's 22 Minute Workout - Feature Comp 1

Anjelica's Dance Workout - Titled - No HD

Here are Anjelica’s Top 10 Tips for staying motivated and moving from her vast vault of health and wellness know-how.

1. Whether it’s morning, afternoon or evening any time of day that works for you to exercise is a good time. I personally try to do it first thing in the morning because it gives me a burst of energy and inspires me to make healthier dietary choices throughout the day.

2. Spending hours exercising all at once is unnecessary, and you can create meaningful change in your body by working out for as little as 10 minutes daily!

3. Change is good. Changing up what kind of exercise you do regularly doesn’t mean you lack focus, rather, it keeps things fresh and exciting.

4. Involve a physical activity for your next hang-out or date night. Rock-climbing or Salsa dancing is more fun when you have a friend to do it with!

5. Try not to give yourself ultimatums. The new year brings on an all-or-nothing mentality that can create an unhealthy relationship to exercise and food.

6. You can create resolutions at any time. Honestly, pushing yourself too hard in January can be challenging. If Spring rolls around and you still haven’t made it to that spin class, don’t feel guilty.

7. Set your goals. It’s better to have a goal you can accomplish and feel good about, then one that you’ll surely fail to accomplish and feel bad about afterwards.

8. Remember your WHY – Why do you want to achieve this particular goal? What drives you? Make sure you write that down, and have it somewhere visible to reference so that it’s difficult to forget it.

9. Reward yourself, and schedule in rest days. Getting injured or burning out are very real possibilities. So take care and make sure you treat yourself!

10. Track your progress so that you can visibly see the consistency of your efforts. You’re more likely to continue in a positive direction when you can see how far you’ve already come.

Whether your New Year’s resolution is to work out or wind down after the holidays, ONETV has you covered with great movies, new British hits, and popular fitness series. And it’s ALL FREE across Canada ALL MONTH long!

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