
When Do You Want Your 22 Minute Workout?




Remember the 20 Minute Workout? It was the hottest TV fitness craze of the 1980s and ONETV is re-launching it this fall! An entire generation got fit thanks to the 20-minute, heart-pumping, aerobic workout and this fall, you can too.

This new workout led by ONETV host, champion dancer and fitness expert Anjelica Scannura will have everything you need – working multiple areas for a quick calorie burn, lean muscle development and weight loss without the high impact of ’80s style aerobics – giving you far more results in just 2 extra minutes more than the original show.

Anjelica’s :22 Minute Workout is coming soon to ONETV and we want you tell us what time of day you’d prefer to work out with Anjelica. Choose one of the three time windows shown below. We’d love to hear from you!

In the meantime, save the date May 1 at 8pm ET/5pm PT for Anjelica’s :22 Minute Workout: The Audition Show, a fun and exciting look behind the scenes of the making of Anjelica’s :22 Minute Workout, the new tribute to the hottest TV fitness craze of the 1980s coming to ONETV this fall.

Where to watch ONETV? Visit for more info. Plus, visit to see our fab line up of fitness and wellness shows, every day!