
Meal Kits Make Eating at Home a Tasty Breeze



As tempting as it is to go to a restaurant or takeout place to feed your belly, the final destination doesn’t always lead to a healthy choice, or one worthy of the money you’ve put down for it. Perhaps, then, that is why the idea of purchasing a meal kit has become such an attractive option.

According to a report by Darrin Maharaj of ZNews, the meal kit business has become a $120 million industry in Canada.

Meal Kits

Meal kits consist of the ingredients required for a specific meal, and instructions on how a person would subsequently prepare and cook said ingredients. Some kits may feature one or two meals, while others could expand well beyond that.

Additionally, some meal kits are available at your typical grocery store, while others can be shipped directly to your door.

Like any product or service, options and price points vary depending on whom you purchase your meal kits from.

Meal Kits

In the video below, Maharaj takes us behind the scenes of the Chefs Plate test kitchen in Toronto to give us an inside look at how meal kits come together.

-Adam Grant

One: Get Fit airs a number of healthy eating series and documentaries designed to get you munching on the best foods this world has to offer. From “Gino’s Italian Escape,” and “Eat Yourself Sexy,” to “Detox!” and “River Cottage to the Core,” One wants to fill you with goodness.
Click here for more information.