
Stars of One: Tim Caulfield of A User’s Guide to Cheating Death



Thanks to modern communication tools, heightened focus on social media, and celebrities arguably having way too much influence on the world, finding the truth can prove more challenging than ever. 

In the six-part documentary series “A User’s Guide to Cheating Death,” host Tim Caulfield takes a fine tooth comb to a variety of health, science, and lifestyle trends that may not exactly be as good for you as advertised.

Throughout, Caulfield tackles matters like detox dieting, cosmetic surgery, genetic testing, extreme fitness, natural remedies, stem cell research, and how much of an influence celebrities and social media have on each matter. From there, Caulfield and a collection of experts explore the scientific, philosophic, and realistic sides of said topics.

A User's Guide to Cheating Death

What makes Caulfield a trustworthy source of knowledge? Mainly, his credentials are vast, noteworthy, and legit. 

Caulfield is a Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy, a Professor in the Faculty of Law and the School of Public Health, and Research Director of the Health Law Institute at the University of Alberta.

What’s more, Caulfield has published over 350 academic articles, won multiple literary awards and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the Trudeau Foundation, and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.

A User's Guide to Cheating Death

Caulfield is also a respected, bestselling author, having penned “The Cure for Everything: Untangling the Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness and Happiness,” “Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything?” and “When Celebrity Culture and Science Clash.”

Digitally, Caulfield isn’t afraid to take to Twitter and get into dust ups with those pushing falsehoods, or questionable anecdotes. Thanks to her controversial lifestyle site,, Paltrow – as Caulfield’s book title would suggest – is one of his favourite targets.

Most importantly, Caulfield is a highly educated, outspoken, and entertaining individual interested in clearing up the muddy waters that health and science can sometimes fall into.

-Adam Grant

“A User’s Guide to Cheating Death” can be seen regularly on ONETV. Click here to find out when!

A User's Guide to Cheating Death