
Shake Up Your Day With Walnuts



Love the health benefits of walnuts? Try this healthy way to serve them up.

Inside that humble shell you’ll find a nutritional powerhouse. Once thought to be too high in fat and calories for regular enjoyment, a growing body of research has walnuts back on the menu (in moderation, of course).

Walnuts are a good source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which is converted into omega-3 essential fatty acid in the body. And like other nuts, walnuts contain free radical-fighting antioxidants and can be good for heart and brain health. Throw in some protein and fibre and walnuts can help you feel full and satisfied too.

They’re also a versatile ingredient, adding flavour and nutrients to many fishes. From healthy to indulgent, here are some tasty ways to use them from the California Walnut Commission.

Awesome Banana Walnut Shake

The frozen banana in this shake creates an ice cream-like consistency. The walnuts are finely ground by the blender so that you don’t even know they’re in there… until you taste it!


1 medium very ripe banana, frozen
1/2 cup vanilla low-fat yogurt
1/4 cup chopped California walnuts
1-2 tablespoons honey


Place banana, yogurt, walnuts, and 1 tablespoon honey in a blender.

Blend on low speed until ingredients start to mix together. Then increase to high speed and blend until smooth. For a sweeter smoothie, add another tablespoon of honey. Serve immediately.

TIP: To make a frozen banana, peel and cut the banana into chunks. Wrap in plastic and place in freezer several hours or overnight.

Nutrition Information: Calories: 267, Total Fat: 11 g, Saturated Fat: 2 g, Monounsaturated Fat: 2 g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 7 g, Trans Fat: 0 g, Cholesterol: 3 mg, Sodium: 42 mg, Total Carbohydrate: 41 g, Dietary Fiber: 2.5 g, Protein: 6 g.

Recipe by Rosemary Clark. Recipe and image courtesy of the California Walnut Commission.


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