
Are You Too Old for Clubbing? This Study will Tell You



When you’re a 20-something, few things generate more excitement in your life than the prospect of a night out. Be it hitting up the hottest club, barhopping or going to see your favourite pop star on stage somewhere, going out on the town after school or work can feel like everything.

Regrettably, however, there does come that time when these scenes no longer feel like a natural extension of yourself. But, when exactly is that time? A U.K. study called The Great Indoors, aimed to figure that out.

According to the study’s respondents, 31 was primarily viewed as the age in which we lose interest in clubbing. Meanwhile, most participants believed 37 to be the age that going to such venues becomes sad, while 46% of respondents preferred staying at home all night – regardless of the weather forecast – and remain plopped in front of a television.

In some respects, these determinations aren’t earth-shattering, but what’s keeping people at home once they’re in their 30s is rather interesting.

Sixty percent of respondents state that going out is too pricy for their liking, while almost half admitted to not being interested in “their scene” anymore. Additionally, 29% fear the day-after-hangover that might greet them after a night out and 22% dread the idea of having to get dressed up. Conversely, 46% of people look forward to just coming home and spending their evenings in comfy clothes.


Of course, having children also impacts one’s social life, as 12% of those surveyed don’t want to deal with the process of booking a babysitter.

Arguably, what plays an even mightier role in encouraging people to stay home is technology and social media. Overall, eight in 10 respondents feel good about their decision to not go out once they see the boozy club photos of friends on social media. What’s more, thirty percent prefer spending their nights with a TV box set, while 25% get more enjoyment out of their online social networks.

“The Great Indoors study recognizes the fact that there comes a time when we appreciate our home comforts more than a hectic social life and it can often be a drag to play the social butterfly at parties and nights out,” Said Matt Walburn, Brand and Communications Director, Currys PC World.

He added: “Technology is a big lure of staying in and our findings show how it’s transformed home habits. It’s now almost impossible to get bored at home, with endless box sets and the latest technology, such as 4K TV, enhancing the in-house experience, so much, that it often surpasses its ‘outdoor’ equivalent. That coupled with social media, online shopping, and gaming with pals often means more pleasure can be had on a night IN than a night out.”

If watching television is your main reason for not engaging with the club scene, might we recommend getting fit with One’s wonderful selection of health and wellness programming? Click here for a closer look at the show’s we air!

-Adam Grant
