
Treat Yourself! How to Spoil Your Way Back to Happiness



Not to start off on a sour note here, but sometimes life can feel so hard. At any given time, a serious family matter can pop up, not to mention a health scare, a crappy work day, or a failing romantic relationship. Really, you could also just be having one of those days where you really don’t feel it.

In trying moments such as these, it is best to face matters head-on so that you can quickly move on. As much as that can speed up the healing process, let’s not underestimate the power of treating yourself.

Every now and then, we all need an excuse to step away from sadness and spoil ourselves back to happiness. Trust us: that’s not as trite of an exercise as it might sound.

Here are a few ideas on how to go about treating yourself in style:

Retail Therapy

Adulthood, in many ways, has taught us the value of respecting our credit cards. Use it when you have to and really, don’t spend yourself into destitution. On the other hand, adulthood has also shown us how good it can feel to buy that beautiful blouse you’ve been eyeing for months, or that ridiculously expensive piece of home décor you swore you could live without. Yeah, credit cards bills can be frightening. But when life’s got you down, few things can perk you right back up like spending your hard-earned money on a slice of happiness.

Pamper, me? Yes Please!

Since not everyone gets sizeable satisfaction from material items, it’s never a bad thing to book a spa day. If your life needs a little rejuvenation, a relaxing massage, facial, manicure, pedicure and sauna session can go a long way toward easing any tension you could be feeling.

Treat Yourself - Manicure

Indulge a Little

Yes, it is absolutely important to put nutritious foods into our bodies. Sometimes, though, you just need some deep fried goodness, a crispy bag of chips, or a super-sugary, sweet dessert that is more heavenly than healthy. Comfort food is comfort food for a reason. Let it do its job, but remember to keep moderation in mind.

You Do You

Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel weighed down by obligations? Do thisWear that. Go here. Life comes with a lot of commitments and we can sometimes forget to just feel obligated to ourselves. Why not break away from feeling tied down to what others want from you and just put on old, baggy sweatpants when you want, where you want? Or, forget about the expectation that you should wear makeup when leaving your home and that it can be uncool to sing loudly in the car. When you do you, you win.

Embrace an Adventure

If life gets stale, one way to move off of that long escalator of monotony is by taking on an adventure you’d previously been too fearful to do. Perhaps you need the giant rush of a skydiving trip. Or, more modestly, you would love nothing more than getting in the car and just driving until you find a random place worth spending a few days in. Heck, even playing hooky from work for a day can feel equally tantalizing. No matter what your speed, living on the edge every now and then can plentifully recharge that battery of yours.

-Adam Grant

Treat Yourself - Adventure