
7 Ways to Abandon a Bad First Date



Lots of us grow up hoping to be cast in an amazing love story that starts innocently enough over a dinner date. Soon enough, you’re holding hands, living together, getting married, and then perhaps even welcoming adorable rug rats into  the world. While that’s the ideal destination for many, often times it takes a lot of bumps in the road to get there.

Those “bumps,” in many cases, occur when playing the dating game. When in that field, chances are you will encounter enough awkward situations to fill a stack of diaries. The key to minimizing heartbreak and avoiding unrealistic expectations is to know how to abandon a bad date before it gets too uncomfortable.

For those looking at ways to get out from under an odd night on the town, here’s what you can do to save yourself. 

Arrive Separately

Taking a walk, car, bike, taxi, or public transit to a first date is as shrewd a move as you can make. Although it is nice to think that the person across the table from you would take you home if the night’s not going well, such a request would be a tough ask. That, and what would you rather: awkward silence in the car or an uncomfortable game of 20 questions? We guess neither of the above. 

Put Your Friends on Alert

Even if you have the smallest inkling that your date might get weird, make sure to ask a friend or two to “randomly” call or message you during your date. This may be an oldie of a strategy, but it’s still a goody. With so many ways to get a hold of one another these days, this method is worth its weight in gold.

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Ask the Right Questions Early

Although it is super smart to ask the right questions before a first date, sometimes circumstances don’t allow for that to happen. Asking about a person’s recent dating history, living/working/money situation and interests are crucial to figuring out if cupid will hit you with an arrow, or if you’ll soon be kicking yourself in the butt.

Keep it Close to Home 

Travelling more than 30 minutes for a first date is risky business. For one, if the date goes bad, quick, you’ll have to decide which is least annoying: the long commute home, or more time sitting with a person who makes you question your judgment. If you’re close to home, ducking out early is far less of a chore and it allows you to think less about how much time you may have wasted.

Don’t Get Tipsy 

If holding your alcohol isn’t one of your strengths, go easy on the cocktails until you’re sure this is a date you want to be part of. Sure, a couple grown up drinks can loosen up the situation and calm the nerves. But, too many can lead to bad decisions that end up revealing themselves in the form of a one-night stand that should’ve been a no-night stand. 

Have a Go-To, Fool Proof Excuse

“I left the stove on.” “I was supposed to visit my parents.” “I am allergic to your cologne.” “I have to feed the cat.” “That’s my ex at the bar.” If you have some of these floating around your brain, don’t be afraid to pluck one out of the air and put it into action.

Keep Cash in Your Pocket

Whether it be for covering your taxi cost or throwing money at the tab on the table as you run for the exits, having cash in your pocket will break up the night far faster than waiting for the payment machine to meet your hands.

-Adam Grant

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